Saturday, May 28, 2011

How Time Flies...

I started scrolling through old pictures of my daughter on Facebook tonight and love looking back at photos remembering certain events and milestones.  For instance, pictures from a lake house we were at almost exactly a year ago showed the turning point before she really started walking.  Thanks to my cousin's daughter (her second cousin or something like that) she got up to 8 steps in a row that weekend!  (I'll add pictures when I can get to them)

I look at other photos and remember her birthday and see the times when she really started changing, when her hair finally started growing and how tiny she was!  Don't get me wrong, she still is small as far as weight goes for her age but she was LITTLE!  I saw photos of close friends at the time that we rarely, if ever, see or talk to now.  

As I think back I want to say I miss those days but going back would mean giving up where we are now which is so much fun too!  Don't get me wrong, there are many things I miss about those days.  For starters, being able to carry her in her car seat in the store ASLEEP, multiple naps.  But, all the things I'd be giving up that I really enjoy now, her being able to communicate (using words!) what she needs and wants, how much more she can do and understand.  She's grown up from a baby into a little person in what seems like a single day.  As much as I hate that certain things are done I love knowing and seeing all that she has learned in such a short time!

So, instead of missing those days I'm choosing to cherish those days.  I got so tired of everyone telling you to cherish every moment because they grow up so fast!  But its so true! Now I find myself saying it to others.  

All this came to mind tonight while I was making a slide show of our graduates from church.  I was scanning baby pictures, photos of them as toddlers, playing sports, finishing each with each graduate's senior photo.  **On a side note, I must say that I'm pretty proud of this slide show.  ;-) **  I have only 16 more years to go and I'll be turning in photos of her for her graduation video.

All that to say what's on my mind tonight is to appreciate where I am now.  That doesn't include wishing I was in the past or wishing I was at a point in the distant or not-so-distant future.  Where am I NOW and what am I doing with it?  This is something I typically struggle with. When things are hard I look to the past and find myself thinking 'what if I had...".  On the flip side I often look to the future.  I'm a planner, I like to know what to expect.  Its difficult for me when big changes happen suddenly or to sit back and wait for things to just happen.  I'd rather make them happen.  

Right now I'm trying to remind myself that I don't have control over my future.  Sure, I have choices and though time will make many, many decisions but I don't believe those options are placed in front of my by chance.  Even when I choose to go a certain route I've often seen God close that door, forcing me to go the other way, the way I didn't want or choose to go.  The question is, am I doing my 'job' and trusting him for my future or am I trying to do God's job for Him?

Monday, May 16, 2011

God Versus a Postal Box

One of my former co-workers and I were talking on day a few years ago about trust when she made the comment 'I find it funny that I trust a blue postal box more than I trust my God sometimes.' This conversation  came to mind today when I was dropping off some mail on my way home from work.  

My daughter had tubes put in her ears b/c of chronic ear infections about a year ago. The past few days she's been showing signs that her ears hurt so I took her to the doctor this morning.  Sure enough one tube is out and one is barely in.  They are now useless leaving us with our first ear infection in a year.  Immediately fear entered in and trust flew out the window.  I started feeling sorry for myself and assuming that we would have to do another set of tubes (a very expensive 5 minute surgery) again in the next few months wondering how we would pay for it with her not so great insurance.  I immediately assumed worst case scenario and was trying to find a solution for the potential problem.  Just this morning the reading for the day in My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers was Recognizing God's Provision.  In his words 'No sin is worse than the sin of self-pity because it removes God from the throne of our lives, replacing Him with our own self-interests.'  I had essentially taken God off the throne, putting my 'problem' (that hasn't happened yet, I might add) as priority.  

We have blue postal boxes all over town, just about any city does.  I know I don't think twice about dropping a letter or bill I have to mail in them, trusting that it will arrive at its intended destination 99% of the time with 1% saved for errors on my behalf or a machine eating an envelope.  I don't care to know about the complicated system or how the letter will get where its going, I just drop it off and in a few days time it will have arrived.  Why is it that I can trust this blue box and complicated postal system more often that I trust the Creator of the universe? 

I can honestly say that I don't have a great answer to this question other than the fact that I'm human and full of sin.  But, I still throw the question out there...anyone?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Let's Go Outside!

One of my daughter's favorite things to do is 'go side!' (go outside!).  It doesn't matter what we're doing, where we are, if its hot or if its cold...she wants to go.  I hope she never loses that love.  

Years ago I coordinated kids' programming for a local church.  During one of the evening programs we didn't have much teaching time and it was beautiful so I sent the kids outside to the playground (a HUGE school playground) to play.  That night was the moment I realized how different the kids of today are.  I had a little boy and girl look at me with complete confusion when I told everyone to head out the doors. 

This is the conversation that took place.
Kid:  'But what are we going to do?'  (SERIOUSLY!) 
Me: 'Play'.  
Kid:'Can I take my video game?'
 Me: 'No, just go outside and play?'
Kid: 'But what am I going to DO?
Me: 'I'll bet you can figure it out, or go ask your friends.'  
Kid: 'Fine!'

I was baffled.  A 6 year old kid didn't know 'what to do' when sent outside to play.  What is wrong with this picture?  EVERYTHING!

I grew up and remember countless hours shooting free throws on the driveway, riding bikes in our neighborhood, playing on our play set in the backyard, playing catch, you name it.  Sure, we had TV with lots of channels and at one point in my life our living room was graced with the presence of a Nintendo featuring Mario Brothers, Contra, and Tetris.  But these were minor parts of our day, a last resort primarily used on days when we were rained or snowed inside.  

I hate to see what is happening to our kids today.  We talk day-in and day-out about childhood obesity and the failing health of our kids.  Usually the ones talking about it are the worst about getting their kids active.  They have the kids who can't leave the house without taking their DVD player or video game.  Now, don't get me wrong, my daughter loves a good Dora or Veggie Tales video.  She's learned some great things from those videos.  Dora helped teach her how to count to 10.  She sings a song about being thankful thanks to Madame Blueberry.  There is value to some forms of media (emphasis on some).  As in life with everything else from your diet to workouts the best things come in moderation.  There's nothing wrong with your kids playing video games, that is, until it turns into a 5 or 6 hour a day practice.  

Set limits.  Be a good example. PLEASE don't be that parent that makes exercise and activity a chore.  NEVER tell your kids they are fat or need to go on a diet.  Make activity a way of life for your family.  I challenge to you parents out there to turn off the TV, put away the video games and get your kids outside.  Get them ACTIVE!  We will never make a tiny bit of difference in the health problems affecting our kids until we do.

Friday, May 6, 2011

I Don't Want To Workout!

I can't tell you how many days I'm at the point of 'workout time' and I just plain don't want to.   Maybe I've not had enough to eat that day or the energy level is low or we had a rough morning.  Here's the problem with this...I WORK IN A GYM!  That's right, I sit in an office with treadmills not 10 feet away from me for hours of every day but the thought of getting on one makes me want to cry. 

Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

I'm not saying I'm in great or even good shape (I'm not) although others who aren't in the fitness biz would tell me I'm in good shape.  Let's just say its all a matter of perspective.  I played college softball and was in the best shape of my life my senior year in college, 10 years and one baby ago.  I can thank Coach Tom for that, our ex-Marine Drill Instructor Assistant Coach, and 'foul poles'.  I could lift crazy amounts of weight, was fast (for me) and as flexible as I've ever been.  I've had ups and downs over time with the other major up being my 'running phase' where I was running 4-5 miles a day without a bit of pain.  Perspective.

I share an office with trainers whose job requires that they be (or at least look) in good shape.  I have a degree in exercise science and know what I'm supposed to do...why don't I want to do it?  I've learned that, as much as I want to look like I did 10 years ago, I'm really not that dedicated to getting there. I know what it would take and I don't know that I want to take that time away from my family not to mention go through the pain. 

So, its all a matter of perspective.  I still do workout consistently, some days I want to and others I don't, to stay healthy. Here's why...I want to be able to run with my daughter while we're playing in the park.  I want live longer.  I don't have the money for a new wardrobe. I like to enjoy foods like ice cream and cookies.  

I don't have a major goal, competition or thing to achieve except to be happy being me.  My hubby will tell you that I'm happier when I workout.  It helps with stress levels and makes me feel better about myself even if the scale stays the same.  That makes life better for everyone involved b/c when I'm less stressed and feel better about me I tend to be a better wife and mommy.

Its all a matter of go workout!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Phil!

Today my hubby turned the BIG 3-0!  Being the romantic couple we are we decided to pass on a bigger gift for each other this month (my birthday is in May as well) and invest in a new washer/dryer set.  This was partially done by necessity b/c our dryer died last week.  I got the 'appliance gift' that every woman dreads getting on birthdays and Christmas but...SO DID HE!  ;-)

I had already bought a shirt for him and used our daughter as a delivery device.  In her pj's with bed head galore she sported Daddy's shirt (her dress) and did her best rendition of Happy Birthday.   We unfortunately couldn't get a decent picture of her.

Tonight Sammie & I surprised Phil at youth group (even part-timers don't get their birthday off)  ;-) with cupcakes for everyone.  The kids were great, sang Happy Birthday and Phil even got a couple of birthday kisses on his cheeks.

Happy 30th babe!  Looking forward to many, many more!

Its Beautiful!

Now that Sammie is talking more (like non-stop more) its getting to be a lot of fun to do things and ride in the car.  Her latest thing while driving is to point out things like trees and flowers, state what they are and follow it with 'that's beautiful' or 'so pretty'!  LOVE IT!  I only remember pointing out flowers a few times to her and stating how pretty they were.  Its amazing what kids pick up on their own.

Yesterday we went to the zoo after she got out of 'school' (Mother's Day Out).  This was our third time to go this spring and it seems that every time is just as exciting as the last.   The big feature yesterday was the new baby giraffes that just came to Tyler.  We caught them when all 4 giraffes were inside resting in the A/C and eating. They were so cute! She's still been talking about them today.  

Our other favorites at the zoo are the elephants, white tigers and ducks.  Last time we went the male tiger (which is HUGE) was pacing and jumping up on the glass about 3 feet away from where we stand.  I think I flinched every time he jumped.  The ducks are always a hit and Sam loves to count them like she does her rubber duckies at bathtime.  

One thing I love about my hubby is his awareness of females struggle to feel beautiful and pretty.  Even now while Sam is not quite 2 he's reminding her that she's beautiful and having her tell him "I'm beautiful" when she gives him good night hugs and kisses.  My love language is not words of affirmation and he knows this.  Him telling me I'm beautiful doesn't hit me in the same way as it does others who need verbal affirmation but he continues to tell me anyhow.  

Thanks babe for the reminder that we are beautiful because we are exactly as our Creator made us to be.

Monday, May 2, 2011

New to this...

So, I've had the desire to start a blog for quite some time but never followed through with it until now.  I kept asking myself 'what would I write about?' and 'who would read what I have to say?' or 'would it really be worth my time?'. I even posted a question on Facebook asking friends for a fun title.  Thanks to my friend Brian for his suggestion of Wuerffel House (you know...Waffle House HAHAHA).

I love to read other blogs.  I have a friend who is super creative.  I love reading about her ideas for fun with her kids (she has 4) and the small things they do to make everyday life special and meaningful. You can see her blog here. I have another friend who was widowed.  She's able to share real life victories and struggles through a major change in her life.  I follow blogs like Money Saving Mom to get ideas on how to be a good steward of our finances with simple things like clipping coupons. Would I really be able to share anything that useful?  

This is me...I'm a down-to-earth wife and mom who has the challenge of balancing my job at Premier Fitness with taking care of my family and helping my husband run his business.  I'm a former athlete that still wishes I could be in 'playing shape' without having to work that hard.  I'm not a very girly girl.  However, I must say that I do own a couple pairs of heels even though I can't walk in them very well (a big step for me!).  As much as I'd love to think outside the box, I usually stay fairly close to the inside.  I'm the type of person who LOVES to walk through Hobby Lobby just to look at things that I could make or do but walks away empty handed b/c I don't know what I'd do with those super cute things I found. I love competition and do my best to workout and eat healthy so I can splurge on things like ice cream when the opportunity arises. 

I'm interested to see what the future of this blog holds.  I guess anyone following along will see as well.  
