So, I've had the desire to start a blog for quite some time but never followed through with it until now. I kept asking myself 'what would I write about?' and 'who would read what I have to say?' or 'would it really be worth my time?'. I even posted a question on Facebook asking friends for a fun title. Thanks to my friend Brian for his suggestion of Wuerffel House (you know...Waffle House HAHAHA).
I love to read other blogs. I have a friend who is super creative. I love reading about her ideas for fun with her kids (she has 4) and the small things they do to make everyday life special and meaningful. You can see her blog here. I have another friend who was widowed. She's able to share real life victories and struggles through a major change in her life. I follow blogs like Money Saving Mom to get ideas on how to be a good steward of our finances with simple things like clipping coupons. Would I really be able to share anything that useful?
This is me...I'm a down-to-earth wife and mom who has the challenge of balancing my job at Premier Fitness with taking care of my family and helping my husband run his business. I'm a former athlete that still wishes I could be in 'playing shape' without having to work that hard. I'm not a very girly girl. However, I must say that I do own a couple pairs of heels even though I can't walk in them very well (a big step for me!). As much as I'd love to think outside the box, I usually stay fairly close to the inside. I'm the type of person who LOVES to walk through Hobby Lobby just to look at things that I could make or do but walks away empty handed b/c I don't know what I'd do with those super cute things I found. I love competition and do my best to workout and eat healthy so I can splurge on things like ice cream when the opportunity arises.
I'm interested to see what the future of this blog holds. I guess anyone following along will see as well.
Well it looks like I am your first comment on the blog. I just want to say good luck and I will be a follower of yours!