Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?
I'm not saying I'm in great or even good shape (I'm not) although others who aren't in the fitness biz would tell me I'm in good shape. Let's just say its all a matter of perspective. I played college softball and was in the best shape of my life my senior year in college, 10 years and one baby ago. I can thank Coach Tom for that, our ex-Marine Drill Instructor Assistant Coach, and 'foul poles'. I could lift crazy amounts of weight, was fast (for me) and as flexible as I've ever been. I've had ups and downs over time with the other major up being my 'running phase' where I was running 4-5 miles a day without a bit of pain. Perspective.
I share an office with trainers whose job requires that they be (or at least look) in good shape. I have a degree in exercise science and know what I'm supposed to do...why don't I want to do it? I've learned that, as much as I want to look like I did 10 years ago, I'm really not that dedicated to getting there. I know what it would take and I don't know that I want to take that time away from my family not to mention go through the pain.
So, its all a matter of perspective. I still do workout consistently, some days I want to and others I don't, to stay healthy. Here's why...I want to be able to run with my daughter while we're playing in the park. I want live longer. I don't have the money for a new wardrobe. I like to enjoy foods like ice cream and cookies.
I don't have a major goal, competition or thing to achieve except to be happy being me. My hubby will tell you that I'm happier when I workout. It helps with stress levels and makes me feel better about myself even if the scale stays the same. That makes life better for everyone involved b/c when I'm less stressed and feel better about me I tend to be a better wife and mommy.
Its all a matter of go workout!
lovin' the blog! looks cute... and i don't want to workout either! :)