One of my former co-workers and I were talking on day a few years ago about trust when she made the comment 'I find it funny that I trust a blue postal box more than I trust my God sometimes.' This conversation came to mind today when I was dropping off some mail on my way home from work.
My daughter had tubes put in her ears b/c of chronic ear infections about a year ago. The past few days she's been showing signs that her ears hurt so I took her to the doctor this morning. Sure enough one tube is out and one is barely in. They are now useless leaving us with our first ear infection in a year. Immediately fear entered in and trust flew out the window. I started feeling sorry for myself and assuming that we would have to do another set of tubes (a very expensive 5 minute surgery) again in the next few months wondering how we would pay for it with her not so great insurance. I immediately assumed worst case scenario and was trying to find a solution for the potential problem. Just this morning the reading for the day in My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers was Recognizing God's Provision. In his words 'No sin is worse than the sin of self-pity because it removes God from the throne of our lives, replacing Him with our own self-interests.' I had essentially taken God off the throne, putting my 'problem' (that hasn't happened yet, I might add) as priority.
We have blue postal boxes all over town, just about any city does. I know I don't think twice about dropping a letter or bill I have to mail in them, trusting that it will arrive at its intended destination 99% of the time with 1% saved for errors on my behalf or a machine eating an envelope. I don't care to know about the complicated system or how the letter will get where its going, I just drop it off and in a few days time it will have arrived. Why is it that I can trust this blue box and complicated postal system more often that I trust the Creator of the universe?
I can honestly say that I don't have a great answer to this question other than the fact that I'm human and full of sin. But, I still throw the question out there...anyone?
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